Griechenland Landkarte

Somewhere between the 3054 islands, Mount Olympus, and Udo Jürgens' tavern lies Greece.

White houses with blue shutters, Alexis Zorba dancing on the sandy beach, ancient ruins, hospitable people and good food - all these are images we see in our mind's eye when we think of the birthplace of democracy and cradle of Europe.

The history of the country can be felt everywhere. Even on the smallest island of the country there are traces that take us back more than 2000 years. Unlike in the big cities like Athens or Thessaloniki, where hustle and bustle reign, in the Cyclades or in the Ionian Sea the clocks go differently.

Stilleben Stühle Mood Griecheland
Griechenland Fischer Boot
Sonnenuntergang Tempel Antik

Sailing through the island world of Greece is a unique experience: deep blue water and countless small islands form a sailing panorama that will be remembered for a long time.

Balmy summer evenings and warm water

We limit our cruises to the late summer. At this time it is warm but no longer hot and the well-tempered water invites you to jump off the boat and swim with the sunrise.

After our first mindfulness exercises, we set sail in the morning and adjust the sails and the course according to the wind.

The evenings are still warm and bright at this time of the year, providing plenty of time for good conversations after the common meal.

Segelboot am Anleger

Greek culture

Sailing in the footsteps of Odysseus and the other heroes of Greek mythology. Even though our journey will always lead us to ourselves, and the discovery of our own self is the goal, we will also go on a journey into the past together.

But don't worry, we don't want to make a study trip with you and visit all the temples of the country.

Griechischer Ort am Wasser